The district book
“Het wijkboek” – the concept of a neighbourhood book for the village of Molenberg in Heerlen.
The Dutch artist Bram Tackenberg is always looking for new methods to publish his artworks. As part of his project “de Woonkamers in Molenberg” I was also allowed to design a concept. To get a feeling for the people and the locality, I got in the car to chat with a few residents.
During the conversations it became clear that the residents of Molenberg would like to see more connection within their neighbourhood. In order to get to know each other better, I developed a book in which not only information about the residents can be found, but where there is also space left for a personal message. Thus, the neighbourhood book offers the possibility to get in touch with one’s neighbours.
In addition, stickers have been developed to communicate more quickly and easily. Nowadays, an emoji says more than several sentences. Of course, stickers are also a great advertising tool for the neighbourhood book and a unified presence in social media.